31 March 2015

The Hunt's Scoring System

The Hunt Scoring System

Chances are I'll need some kind of a scoring system to keep track of multiple players over the course of a hunt. So in that scenario, here's a guide explaining my own personal points system.
Please be warned. There is maths.

Getting Points

Points are earned based on a reaction. That is, the quicker a correct response is given, the more points are earned.
A further incentive is that correct submissions after first place will earn exponentially less, even if they were posted just afterwards. This hopes to avoid situations of players earning identical amounts of points by "copycatting" responses.

The Points Formula

Here's how I do it in Excel (edited for clarity):
P = ROUNDUP(MAX(100-d,0)/r,0)

d = Delay: Time between my original post and your correct reply, in minutes
r = Rank: 1 if your reply is the first correct one, 2 if it's second, etc.

The MAX function tosses out any negative numbers, i.e. if d is greater than 100 minutes.
And then the whole thing is rounded up to the nearest integer.
So, if you can understand that, you would realise that posting a reply after 100 minutes would result in 0 points. Obviously, quick posting is key.


Here are some quick examples for the above formula.

Post #1: Submitted 27 minutes after the original post, 1st place.
P = ROUNDUP(MAX(100-27,0)/1,0)
P = ROUNDUP(73/1,0)
P = 73

Post #2: Submitted 39 minutes after the original post, but in 6th place.
P = ROUNDUP(MAX(100-39,0)/6,0)
P = ROUNDUP(61/6,0)
P = 11

Post #3: Submitted 104 minutes after the original post, 27th place.
P = ROUNDUP(MAX(100-104,0)/27,0)
P = ROUNDUP(0/27,0)
P = 0

And with that, I've exceeded my daily quota for putting numbers in a blog post.
Leave any questions or comments below. In the meantime, keep following the Twitter feed for any upcoming announcements.

See you out there!
-Huntmaster Orion

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